The General Assembly of the United Nations declared that 2013 was the International Year of Quinoa. After such a commendation, in 2014, the rise of this food was not halted, instead it is becoming an evermore-present dish on the tables of millions of people.
A SUPERFOOD from crops originating in the Andes, now has every intention of affirming itself globally in 2015. Quinoa, a non-cereal grain that is small and firm, is in fact easy to prepare, naturally gluten-free, high in protein and very tasty, as well as being low in salt.
Additionally, it's easily and rapidly cooked when compared with many other grains, making it, in effect, a valuable resource for anyone who wants a healthy and balanced diet.
A national treasure. Red diamonds.Miraculous berries. Elixir of eternal youth. There are numerous nicknames for this SUPERFOOD in its homeland because of its incredible anti-aging properties.
So it is no coincidence that Chinese medicine has been using Goji berries for thousands of years for healthy purposes, to stabilize – among other things – blood pressure. Here in Europe, however, the berries are still a novelty, a recent beauty discovery related to their very high content of antioxidants.
But hurry up in finding them, because soon they'll be snapped up! Goji berries are bought dehydrated, are flame-red in color, and contain beta-carotene.
They are perfect to protect your skin from sun exposure and regenerate cellular tissue.
In addition, they are delicious to the palate when used in cookies and cakes, in the same way that raisins are.
A perennial plant of the Solanaceae family (the same as tomatoes and potatoes), the Physalis Alkekengi plant produces edible berries that are shaped like small cherries but, as they say, it's best to never judge a thing by its greatness!
These berries, in fact, contain an incredible amount of vitamin C, tannin, sugar, and citric acid and are highly recommended for their diuretic action, as well as for their prevention of stones in the kidney and bladder.
Uric acid and urea, in fact, are among the most toxic substances that our intestine produces and must be continuously eliminated.
Physalis Alkekengi facilitates the elimination of these metabolic residues and, as mentioned, is doubly effective as it also increases the solubility of mineral salts, thereby hindering the formation of urinary stones.
And that's not all, because our body is highly capable of funneling the plant's active ingredients, which perform well in their antiseptic effects in fighting urinary tract infections.

Hemp seeds
They have nothing to do with cannabis, since we are talking about the seeds used in making hemp textiles, but their action on the body is still... amazing!
Three tablespoons of hemp seeds contain, in fact, 10 grams of protein, which is the right amount to add to a vegetarian salad, a cup of yogurt, or to cookies. Hemp seeds have a nutty flavor and can be lightly toasted before use. Toasting, in any case, doesn't jeopardize their great supply of Omega-3, fatty acids, and iron.
Their content supply in terms of quantity is totally unique in nature and is worth highlighting! All of this, without forgetting that hemp seeds are also rich in magnesium, a very important substance in aiding digestion, preventing muscle cramps, and controlling stress levels.
Okay, we admit it, it surely doesn't have an outstanding perfume, and because of this, it has long been relegated to being an off-limits food, or at most an ingredient that is solely still good in the traditional culinary customs of our grandmothers.
However, in recent years, cabbage has made a big comeback and is the all the rage, thanks to Americans who have “rediscovered” it as an essential element in a healthy and balanced diet.
An anti-inflammatory that is rich in iron (more than meat), calcium (more than milk, with the same energy content), fiber, and antioxidants, cabbage is one of the most nutritious vegetables in the world for its beneficial properties. It protects the arteries and the heart, strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the body, and also lowers blood pressure. Can we do without it? Like hell!
If you are a lover of Asian cuisine, you will probably have tasted many times, without ever thinking about its benefits, beyond its excellent flavor. Nori seaweed is that what's used by Japanese restaurants to make sushi rolls, but you can eat it in other recipes, either shredded in rice salads or on fish.
It has a high concentration of iodine, something that's hard to find in other foods, and it helps the thyroid to function.
They are very low in calories, so they are perfect for those who want to go on a diet, and, thanks to their provitamin A content, they have a mineralizing effect, providing the body with adequate amounts of minerals for our well being. Seaweed is also indicated for the health of our hair, for reducing cholesterol, and for their actions against excess fats in the blood.
Rich in alpha-linolenic acid, an Omega-3 because of its anti-inflammatory properties, linseed are an excellent source of fiber, potassium, and calcium. Furthermore, the high content of minerals – such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and copper – in lineseed, in addition to a good 20% protein, make linen seeds veritable batteries for regenerating the body.
Not to mention that linseed are also very useful in fighting internal inflammation, such as in cases of cystitis, and for the exterior, as in skin. One should take care to crush them before eating, or leave them to steep in water overnight, as you may otherwise compromise their beneficial properties, among which it is worth remembering, last but not least, their great ability to be a natural emollient that prevents intestinal constipation and refreshes intestinal flora.
Blueberries are the fruit of the Vaccinium genus, a genus of plants belonging to the Ericaceae family. These edible berries have a more or less sour taste, depending on their degree of ripeness. They contain good amounts of organic acids, sugars, tannins, anthocyanins, and vitamins. Long been known to be useful in eye health, blueberries are among the remedies used for the prevention and treatment of glaucoma, as they aid the production and the maintenance of ocular collagen. They are also rich in flavonoids, substances that can slow aging, preventing damage caused by free radicals, and they are also used by those suffering from varicose veins and from other circulatory problems.
Bee pollen
As it's a food designed for the nutrition of the “bees of tomorrow,” and for the synthesis of royal jelly by nurse bees, it may not be surprising that the pollen of bees is an extremely nutritious food, containing no less than 22 amino acids and numerous antioxidants. Eaten together with granola in yogurt, for example, bee pollen ensures an immense energy boost from its proteins and B12 vitamins. But bee pollen's qualities, clearly enough, are not just these. First off, in fact, its very pleasant flavor is worth mentioning, it's almost reminiscent of regular honey. After this, it's difficult to make a satisfactory list of all its beneficial qualities for the body, including anti-inflammatory, anti-depressive, and detoxifying ones that make it a perfect ally of the immune system, and a highly recommended product for pregnant women, athletes, individuals with high cholesterol, and for people suffering from insomnia.
The precious matcha tea, also known as Japanese green tea, has more antioxidant properties than any other type of tea. Its leaves, in fact, contain 137 times the amount of antioxidants found in regular green tea, as well as polyphenols and amino acids, which are able to reduce physical and psychological stress, acting on the both the body and on the nervous system. Matcha tea comes to us as a fine and scented powder that is very green in color, and is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, beta-carotene, and minerals.
In the past, Buddhist monks drank it during their meditations to keep themselves focused. Today, its anti-cancer, antioxidants, and anti-fatigue properties have also been shown. It is a super drink in every sense!
È l’alga più popolare e diffusa, quella impiegata nella preparazione del sushi (vi si avvolgono i maki), e in Oriente è consumata quotidianamente anche da sola.
È preparata con le alghe rosse della specie Porphyra: dopo la raccolta, vengono lavate, tritate finemente e ridotte in poltiglia che viene poi fatta seccare, sopra stuoie di bambù, al sole o in grossi forni.
L’alga nori possiede un elevato contenuto proteico, vitamina A e C, Omega 3 e preziosi sali minerali come zinco, manganese e selenio, importanti regolatori di molti processi metabolici dell’organismo.
Appartiene alla famiglia delle alghe brune, ricche di idrati di carbonio e di iodio: proprio per l’ingente quantità di questo elemento chimico, sin dal passato queste alghe sono state ampiamente sfruttate anche a scopo terapeutico.
In particolare, all’alga wakame vengono attribuite proprietà curative benefiche per pelle, capelli e unghie. Favorisce inoltre l’eliminazione dei grassi e contribuisce alla depurazione generale dell’organismo.
In Giappone la wakame fresca scottata è venduta nei mercati, mentre quella che viene esportata è fatta essiccare. Puoi acquistarla negli alimentari etnici.
Il suo uso in cucina è piuttosto simile a quello della nori, tanto che viene spesso usata nella preparazione di sushi o sminuzzata per condire gli alimenti, oppure, cotta, per piatti a base di verdure, minestre e zuppe di miso.
Provala in insalata, abbinata ai Semi di Sesamo, un concentrato di energia tutta al naturale.
È un alga verde-azzurra, utilizzata soprattutto nella preparazione di integratori naturali disintossicanti e depurativi.
È ricca di una particolare tipologia di calcio vegetale al quale sono state attribuite proprietà antitumorali.
Inoltre è molto utile per normalizzare i livelli di colesterolo nel sangue, e esercita una funzione benefica per la pelle: illumina, rassoda e leviga. Ottima per combattere i problemi di acne.
Si reperisce facilmente nelle erboristerie, in polvere o in compresse.
Anche l’Alga Kombu è un'alga bruna, utilizzata per insaporire e addolcire i cibi.
Con il nome Kombu si fa riferimento a diverse specie, tutte caratterizzate da fronde larghe, lisce e lucenti.
Ricca di acido glutammico, ha la proprietà di ammorbidire le fibre di altri cibi, oltre che ad esaltare il loro sapore, ed è in grado di aumentarne la digeribilità: per questo è una soluzione molto indicata per chi soffre di problemi intestinali.
Si può trovare in commercio nei supermercati più forniti, nei negozi di macrobiotica, in alcune erboristerie oppure negli alimentari asiatici, dove viene venduta essiccata e impacchettata in compresse, polvere o strisce.
L’alga Agar Agar è costituita dalla parte gelatinosa di alcune varietà di Alghe Floridee, rosse.
Dal potere calorico praticamente nullo, è ricchissima di sali minerali e oligoelementi.
L’Agar Agar svolge una specifica azione protettiva delle mucose intestinali, oltre ad un’efficace azione depurativa, per questo è un valido aiuto per chi soffre di stipsi.
Praticamente insapore, puoi utilizzarla per preparare insalate, o aggiungerla alle verdure, mentre la versione in polvere è ottima per realizzare gelatine e aspic di frutta e verdura, o come addensante naturale e completamente vegetale nella preparazione di marmellate.